Learn why paint companies need to be environmentally mindful. Brought to you by ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
Air Pollution
Solvent-based paints are major sources of air pollution in homes and other structures, with indoor air being typically two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors and in some cases even 100 times more.
Overall, residents of the US spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors, where the effects of conventional paints can turn the air into a toxic chemical stew.
VOC Emissions from Architectural Painting Projects
On the global level, VOCs from solvent and paint emissions contribute to the formation of harmful ozone and the potent pollutants known as peroxyacetyl nitrates (PANs) in the atmosphere.
PANs are widely recognized to be respiratory and eye irritants, phytotoxins, and bacterial mutagens
VOCs from Waste Materials
Another major source of VOCs and other environmental toxins is the waste generated at paint manufacturing facilities, where the following are the main offenders:
equipment cleaning, spills, high-pressure cleaning of floors with water and/or chemicals, off-specification paints, bags, and packing materials, atmospheric emissions, filter cartridges, out-of-date products, and customer returns.